Digital Artwork • Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator CC
Some random artwork I've been working on in my spare time.

Fencing the Creative Cloud on the Moon.
That's me in a fencing tournament. I combined the pic with a luna surface photo and a creature I used for base art from Star Trek. I combined them in PhotoshopCC, added the shadows and adjusted opacity and blur and came up with this very believable scenario.

I started this because I needed spot art for an editorial spread. The art got nixed, but I liked how it was coming out, so I kept working on it. I drew it in InDesignCS6, then copied it into PhotoshopCS6, used the filter gallery to add noise and film grain, adjusted the levels and curves to give it that retro-in the dark look.

I drew the zeppelin years ago in Illustrator7. I painstakingly reproduced it from historical photos and I'm always looking for uses for it. I thought it would be fun to merge it with this moon landing photo. I watched "Iron Skies" recently so that's probably where I got the inspiration.

What if there was a parallel universe where hamburger chains owned gas stations? Just a Sunday afternoon idea.

Yes, I watched a lot of TV as a kid.