Books and Publications: Design & Production
Editorial design and production of The American Spectator magazine as well as collateral material, including books, brochures and programs. I even used myself as a cover model.

Cover of a 16-page booklet for an annual gala. Created with InDesignCS6, PhotoshopCS6, Adobe Acrobat.

Editorial spread for The American Spectator magazine. InDesignCS6. The author wrote back with words of appreciation.

Editorial spread for The American Spectator magazine. This layout is....the bomb.

Cover for The American Spectator. Yes, that's me on the cover. This was a last-minute idea. I had my wife use our old 3.2 megapixel Fuji camera to take a picture of me with rolled up money in my mouth. Not only can I design magazines, but I can star in them too. I've also appeared on the cover of Quick Printing magazine a few times.

Brochure for the Young Journalists Training Program

Feature spread featuring Governor Arnold.

Feature opener for The American Spectator.

Editorial spread for The American Spectator.

Book cover for Politics & More. Design and production included the entire book. This was created using QuarkXPress7. I haven't used Quark in years since switching to InDesign.

Feature spread for The American Spectator.